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The Truth About Stem Cells

In the 1970’s I was a fast walker, making it a point to walk at lunch at work and after work.  I dedicated myself to a minimum of two miles per day.  I considered myself healthy and happy.  Then one day I fell and tore the meniscus cartilage in my left knee.  I was in […]

Wealthy Affiliate can create a new world

Build Your Website For FREE

How many days have you spent struggling to  build your own website?  If you’re like me, it is far too many.  I had struggled for over six months before I realized there had to be an easier way.  It wasn’t because I didn’t have the desire to succeed; it was because I didn’t know how […]

Create Your Ultimate Website

Get Passionate About Your Niche

Have you ever looked up the word “passionate” in the dictionary? You will see then that the meaning reads, “a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something”.   Wow, that really says a lot especially when it comes to choosing your business and succeeding in that business. Some of you may […]

Be wise Get Free Checklist

Five Step Checklist for Building a Money Making Website

Read my story and learn from my mistakes. Get the checklist that makes sure you succeed. Right now you may be reading the title to this blog and asking yourself the very question:  how do I build a successful money-making website?   The answer is simple in one respect and profoundly difficult in another.Beginning with the basicsGetting […]