Create Your Ultimate Website

Get Passionate About Your Niche

Have you ever looked up the word “passionate” in the dictionary? You will see then that the meaning reads, a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something”.   Wow, that really says a lot especially when it comes to choosing your business and succeeding in that business.

Some of you may have already read my blog post on selecting the perfect niche for your business but before you make your final decision there are some things you may want to carefully consider.

Be sure your niche is one that you absolutely love and are willing to learn more about every day.

When you select the niche for your website, select one for which you can specialize in and you have the knowledge or training to expand on that specialization.  People want to feel that they are being helped by an expert.  This leads to more credibility in your website.

Be careful that the niche is not too broad so the competition makes it more difficult to be successful. 

I know someone who decided his first niche would be about fish but not just any fish; a Betta fish to be exact.  So you get the picture.  Narrow your niche as much as possible for the greatest success.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

Crafting and designing a website can often be a daunting task.  Not only do you have to learn the technical end of the workings and all the jargon but you have to write material for the site.  If you are not a writer that is a job that stands alone.  Get the help of a skilled copywriter and put their expertise to work building a website that will appeal to your customers and garner you many new customers along the way.

Keep your eyes open for new programs and tips that will help you along the way.

I am always on the lookout for new ideas and innovative programs that I can use and those I can recommend to my readers.  Some of the newest ones I discovered recently and two of my favorites are listed below: –

This simply marvelous tool is FREE and will help you design beautiful lead magnets to help you grow your email list.

What is a lead magnet:  A must have for every online business. It is a free downloadable form or pdf file which contains an incentive that you give people when they sign up for your list.  This can anything from an EBook, A Checklist or a Report.  These are invaluable in your business but many of you probably don’t know where to begin to design them.  This is where Beacon comes in.  Go to their website and have look.  You won’t be disappointed. – The Best Web Hosting

Ever feel like your head is swimming when making that initial decision to set up hosting for your site?  This fabulous site has done all the leg work for you.  From 15,000 down to an elite list, they have done a complete review of all the web hosting programs available and give you great insight on which ones are best and will offer you good service.  You’ll want to check out their website and please let me know what you think.  –

This is one of my very favorites and I use it almost daily.  With this handy tool which is also FREE you can create any type of post, letter, or ad you need.  They have sizes that range from Instagram to Facebook to Pinterest and Titter as well as numerous others.

I have told you about this one before but is now available as a mobile application as well as on your desktop.  Be sure to check them out today.

Pixaby –

Get high quality FREE images you can use in your posts, your lead magnets and on your website advertising.  They have just about everything imaginable and all pictures are FREE except those listed at the top of the page as “shutterstock”.

One more word of Advice:  Create a compelling offer for your customers.

Make your customer feel important.  Find out what they really want in their business. No one wants to be sold; people put up a wall when they think you’re trying to sell them.  Be on their side and let them know upfront that it’s ok if they decide not to take your offer.  People will remember it and down the road they will become a faithful customer.

That’s all for today but check back in my website weekly for more great tips and trick to help you in your business.  Just to make sure you don’t miss a single thing, be sure to sign up for my mailing list today.

My thought for today:

Treat your potential customer with all the respect you would treat your best friend and one day they will become your customer for life. 

Trust in Yourself

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