Comfort of a mother's love

Rubies – Escaping the Curse – Book Two – The Widening Road

Rubies - Escaping the Curse is  a four book series available on  For the past year you've been able to follow along with the excerpts of Book One - The Beginning.  You've had an opportunity to become acquainted with our heroines and share in their joy and in their sorrow.  Today we begin our second book, The Widening Road which tells the story of Marty and her four children.  The story concentrates on Marty's two daughters, Stacey and Katherine.   As those of you who have followed Book One - The Beginning know, the real heroine of our book series is Stacey Walker who determines within herself to put an end to the curse that seems to have destroyed the lives of all the women in her family.  When it appears the curse is now affecting her daughter, Stacey decides it is time to end it forever.

In The Widening Road you will see the comradery shared by two sisters and what effect it has on both their lives and their choices.  In our next episode we will begin the story of Stacey and Katherine. Until that time I want all of you to be able to catch up if you haven't had a chance to read all the excerpts in the series.  In the box below, you'll want to insert your email address so I can forward you a link to all the excerpts  in one package so you read them together.  You will also have the opportunity to receive a free digital copy of Rubies - Escaping the Curse Book One - The Beginning in its entirety.

I look forward to visiting with you soon and sharing a new episode of Rubies - Escaping the Curse.

Remember all of the books can be found on Amazon. com and are available in kindle or paperback.

Enjoy your FREE book and have a wonderful week. 

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