Have Faith in Yourself and in God

Simple Rules to Write Quality Content for Your Website

Last week in my posting I reviewed tips on writing emails to your customers, but there’s another aspect of writing for the web that needs to be addressed.  How do you write quality content for your website?  Is writing the only thing it’s about?

Sometimes people just don’t realize how
awesome they are.


I just spoke with a customer who 
started working with me a couple of months ago.


They pretty much followed the system and took


They did what maybe 1% of people will
actually do!


Which is:


  •   Learn how to do something
  •   Actually TAKE ACTION.
  •   Tweak their actions until they got a result

Of course there are always some setbacks.


When they reached an obstacle that knocked them down . . .

Never Give Up

To everyone else with a similar
story — I offer you my respect and support.

Don’t quit.

People like you make the world turn.


Now let me share those important tips to perfect your website and content to be the very best it can be so you can keep on going and make your world turn.

The Perfect Formula for Creating Quality Content:

All these three items add up to GREAT COPY


  • One pain point           What is it your client needs or desires?
  • One solution               What can you offer them to solve their problem?
  • One Call to Action    Give them what they need in an easy and simple way.

Examples are:

  • Sample Pain Point = Do you want to find the most effective way to grow your business?
  • Sample Solution = Learn great techniques on writing for the web
  • Sample Call to Action = Download my free guide today

Make each day a good one 

The Perfect List Building Formula

Identify your audience     What interest group are you trying to reach?

State their problem     This goes back to the pain point shown above

Give them a solution     Offer them something to solve their problem

Promise a result     Give them a call to action that will guarantee them a solution


Keep the Conversation Going

Never confuse your customer.

Give them concise information using the keywords needed to rank your article but does not “keyword” stuff.   This is frowned upon by Google and will lose credibility for your website.

Two or three pertinent keywords is all that is needed.

Add images whenever possible to your site and always add a description as this is also used in Google search.

Explaining Features and Benefits


Features are the technical aspects of your product

How is made?

Is it guaranteed to work?

Why is the design unique?


Benefits    Benefits    Benefits

Always push benefits – make them a priority.


Benefits – The reason the customer will need or want the product

The simple design makes it easy to operate and provides instant gratification

Because of its quality it allows you to perform tasks outside the realm of other products

What defines your product to make it different than other similar products?


Why is Email Marketing So Important?

89% of leads are generated or nurtured through email marketing.

74% of companies find that email marketing has the highest ROI (Return on Investment)

50% of companies have made it a priority to spend more time email marketing in 2016

Statistics show that 50% of emails written by companies use in-house marketers but the other 50% is marketed out to creative firms and freelance copywriters.  If you are a writer this is a golden opportunity.

Before you can offer your services and be good at it you must follow three basic steps to success:

  • Learn to become a good writer
  • Learn the basics of email marketing
  • Learn how to write effective emails


Learn to become a good writer

In our previous blog we spoke about how to write personally to your client.  Write as if you are speaking directly to them – one on one.   Keep the three part formula in mind and follow it.  Keep it concise and simple.


Learn the Basics of Email Marketing

Your email title matters – if you have promised them a free gift, state that in the title.

If you want them to open a welcome email, also state that in the title.

If you want to entice them to open an email use a provocative statement that piques their curiosity.

Keep them reading:  Tell a story to pull them into your email

Write your email in short brief sentences.

Make your points stand out

Place links within your email directing your client towards your product

Always provide a way to contact you and a P.S. adding a special note to encourage them to look forward to your next email.


Learn to Write Effective Emails

Here is where practice makes perfect.  I was once mentored by a great marketer whose emails always were read even though I knew deep inside myself he was trying to entice me to buy something.  Yet still I opened and read each one because his method of approach was as if he were speaking to an old friend.

You need to establish yourself as that old friend. You need to become the writer whose emails are not only requested but enjoyed and read.  This is what will make or break your business.


Keep Your Contact Going

Whether you are sending an email newsletter, following up to a free offer or just introducing a new product, you need to keep in constant contact with your list.  Growing your list is vital and ways to do his have been addressed in various posts on my website.

But perhaps you feel that writing is not your best fit.  You know how to set up your blog but the writing is not so easy.  This is where I can use my expertise to help you.  I have been copy writing for many years and helped many others write their introductory pages for their websites.

First Look is Important

Don’t let your customer click in and out of your site without stopping to check it out.

Spelling and grammatical errors will quickly turn off your clients and flip them to another website.  They want to do business with a professional.  You need to establish yourself as that professional by having your website an outstanding example of what you’re all about.

Contact me today for a free consultation about your website and between us we will design a website that your clients will not only admire but look to as a credible source for their business.

Sign up for my newsletter if you are not already on the list as you don’t want to miss any of the tips and tricks I pass along every month as well as in my weekly blog.

Remember my introductory note.  You must find your source of expertise and use that source to grow your business.  You must have faith to get out of the boat if you expect to walk on water.  That faith is within you. 

Seek it and you will find it.

Confidence tops everything

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, My Writing and tagged , , .

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