Freelance Writing Begins Today

Make Money Writing From Home

Do you want to be a writer but just don’t think there’s any money to be made.  Granted, it isn’t easy to establish yourself in the writing world, but it can be done and YOU can be successful! Years ago I worked the nine to five grind and I hated it.  I’m guessing if you’re […]

Wealthy Affiliate can create a new world

Build Your Website For FREE

How many days have you spent struggling to  build your own website?  If you’re like me, it is far too many.  I had struggled for over six months before I realized there had to be an easier way.  It wasn’t because I didn’t have the desire to succeed; it was because I didn’t know how […]

Create Your Ultimate Website

Get Passionate About Your Niche

Have you ever looked up the word “passionate” in the dictionary? You will see then that the meaning reads, “a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something”.   Wow, that really says a lot especially when it comes to choosing your business and succeeding in that business. Some of you may […]

Resources to improve your online business

Great Resources to Build Your Online Business

Finally- CLICK HERE NOW- the resources you need all in one place Yes, its’ finally easier to find what you need to build your business, enhance your writing or just get started on that book.  Now it’s easy to find everything you need in one spot on my website. I’ve included everything you need and […]

Marketing with YouTube

How to increase website traffic with YouTube

Knowing your target audience is one of the first things you need to think about when making your video or designing your website.  YouTube videos are free to make and free to post.  You can use  them prior to your blog, as a tutorial guide or for a  complete advertising commercial. Videos can build up your […]