CNBC Fumbles Republican Debate

On Wednesday evening, October 28th I watched another political debacle which was advertised as a Republican Debate but was really the left wing media poking fun and showing disrespect in every way possible for the Republican candidates standing on the platform. Every question was loaded to project a “gotcha moment” and unfortunately even though the […]

Carly Fiorina Wins CNN Debate

Last night I watched the complete Republican debate on CNN.  For five excruciating hours I sat riveted to the television, not because the debate was interesting or even stimulating but because I needed to see if anything had changed since the Fox News debacle in August. There were definite changes but not all of them […]

Look Out Donald You May be Headed for a Fall

How many of you watched cartoons on Saturday mornings when you were a kid and watched Donald Duck trip over his own feet or be pounded down in the ground by an unsuspected adversary? I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning when I looked at the new poll numbers in Iowa.  Trump’s lead is narrowing […]