Integrate Facebook and Instagram

Integrate your Facebook with Instagram

Facebook or Instagram? I don’t know how many of you use Facebook regularly but it is an outstanding medium for attracting visitors to your website.  If you have a business page, I would suggest you look into Facebook advertising as a tool you can use to propel visitors to your blog posts or any other […]

Freelance Writing Begins Today

Five Most Popular Social Networking Sites

Social networking continues to surprise us daily with added statistics of followers and unique website visits. When researching the platforms available I have reviewed the five most popular sites and have summarized each one below. How it all Started Have you ever played the game of telephone? It’s an old one played by kids throughout […]

What you need to know about Instagram

Welcome to the world of the Work at Home Grandma.  I just took a seminar on Instagram and realized all the good advertising I was missing.  It is a fabulous way to increase your business quickly and easily. It’s true that right now it seems to be the interest point for 18 – 25 year […]