Wedding Happiness

Rubies Family Saga – The Honeymoon is Over

Get Your FREE Copy of this Popular Family Saga Posted by Sandra J Eastman – Copyhound on Saturday, October 8, 2016 Marriage is a wonderful event that changes lives forever but what happens when the honeymoon is short-lived and happiness ends much too quickly.  In any marriage there is an adjustment period of getting to know […]

Farewell Grandpa

Rubies – Escaping the Curse – Farewell Grandpa

Get Your FREE Copy of this Popular Family Saga Posted by Sandra J Eastman – Copyhound on Saturday, October 8, 2016 It is often said that farewells bring only sadness but sometimes they become the start of  a new beginning.  In today’s excerpt we find Stacey devastated at the loss of her grandfather after her short-lived […]

New Life Begins

Rubies – Escaping the Curse – A Special Gift

Get Your FREE Copy of this Popular Family Saga Posted by Sandra J Eastman – Copyhound on Saturday, October 8, 2016 In our last excerpt of Rubies – Escaping the Curse we watched the two Morley sisters struggling with bad decisions and contemplating new adventures.  Stacey’s first experience with sex and romance left her with great […]

Rubies – Escaping the Curse-Marty’s Story Continues week we continued our Rubies Saga by beginning Marty’s story.  To recap our book so far, we need to go back to Norway in 1913.Kaja Ericsen disobeys her father and marries musician Gunner Ericsen.  After the birth of their children, Gunner abandons Kaja for another woman.  Alone and unable to support her two daughters, […]