Freelance Writing Begins Today

Make Money Writing From Home

Do you want to be a writer but just don’t think there’s any money to be made.  Granted, it isn’t easy to establish yourself in the writing world, but it can be done and YOU can be successful! Years ago I worked the nine to five grind and I hated it.  I’m guessing if you’re […]

Wedding Happiness

Rubies Family Saga – The Honeymoon is Over

Get Your FREE Copy of this Popular Family Saga Posted by Sandra J Eastman – Copyhound on Saturday, October 8, 2016 Marriage is a wonderful event that changes lives forever but what happens when the honeymoon is short-lived and happiness ends much too quickly.  In any marriage there is an adjustment period of getting to know […]

Resources to improve your online business

Great Resources to Build Your Online Business

Finally- CLICK HERE NOW- the resources you need all in one place Yes, its’ finally easier to find what you need to build your business, enhance your writing or just get started on that book.  Now it’s easy to find everything you need in one spot on my website. I’ve included everything you need and […]