The Best Site for Learning and Growing in your Business

Do you get these headlines in your email?  How to earn money with Facebook Ads.  See the newest online blogging techniques.  Find out how Pinterest can make you money.  

These are just a small sample of what I receive in my inbox on a daily basis.   I’m sure if you’re like me you attend many free online courses in an attempt to increase your knowledge base and it’s a great idea in most cases.  Of course sometimes you find the material unsuitable for your niche but often it’s a great fit.

I have recommended in my online tip sheet that you take these free courses but I wanted to give you a huge tip that will garner you knowledge while adding tons of expertise to your portfolio.

LinkedIn offers an online training service called  Boy, is this chick smart.  She is by far the most outstanding application available out there.  I even tested it against several other courses offering the same material as and the LinkedIn system outshined all of them.  It’s absolutely phenomenal for the most reasonable price ever of $24.99 per month.  They even give you a trial period to see if you like them before you sign up.  This is a real steal as most of the other training applications or Facebook Mastermind groups are $35 – $40 per month and you’re only picking up one source of knowledge.

Lynda has courses in basic fundamentals of Facebook, Pinterest, Canva, WordPress, etc.  Step by step tutorials are there and the list goes on and on.  In addition there are a multitude of business and marketing courses available.  All of the online applications you need to effectively market your business and it’s all in one place.  What’s even greater is that after you’ve mastered the technical aspects of each application, the training in become an expert in that application is also available.  One of the features I adore is being able to pick up right where I left off in my previous session.  Lynda is so smart she keeps all those records for you.  She even shows you onscreen just what percent of each course you’ve completed and what is left to receive the course credit.  When you have completed a course you receive the course credit for your online portfolio on LinkedIn.

I recommend checking into it today.   See

If you think you don’t have the time to sit and learn all these applications from your desktop, don’t worry; a mobile app is available and it’s easy to access right from your phone.  Get Lynda today.  It is a decision you won’t regret.

If you’re just getting started or a pro yourself, you’ll be able to pick up something from Lynda.  Tell them the Work at Home Grandma sent you and have a great time learning all sorts of new things and enhancing your current knowledge base.

And don’t forget to check out my new mini-course for writers now available for FREE  Click Here

Now is the time to begin your book

Now is the time to begin your book

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