Work at Home Grandma says Happy Halloween with Frosted Cookies

All Dressed for Halloween

All Dressed for Halloween

Halloween is always filled with fun and excitement when all the wee ones come to Grandma’s to visit.  I usually have about 100 kids knocking at my door with the special ones arriving for an in home picture and cookie visit.

Robyn Hope makes cookies with Work at Home Grandma

Robyn Hope makes cookies with Work at Home Grandma

I always greet them with love and each family leaves with a box of specially decorated cookies made by Grandma herself.

Here is my favorite Halloween Cookie Recipe which differs slightly from the Thanksgiving Turkey Cookie Recipe so watch for that post to follow very soon.  

Decorated Sugar Cookies – The secret is in the frosting.

1 C Butter

1 1/2 C Powdered Sugar

1 Egg

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1/2 tsp Almond Extract

2 1/2 C Flour

1 tsp Baking Soda

1 tsp Cream of Tartar

Cream your sugar and butter together, and then add your egg, vanilla and almond followed by the dry ingredients, Flour, Soda and Cream of Tartar.

Chill the dough slightly and then roll out on pastry board sprinkled with four.  Cut using a pumpkin shaped cookie cutter.  Bake at 375 for 5 – 7 minutes.  Do not over bake.

Baking Cookie with Clarissa

Baking Cookie with Clarissa

The Secret is in the Frosting

1 Stick of soft butter

1 -2 Cups Powdered Sugar

1 – 2 tsp vanilla and/ or almond extract

1 – 2 tbls milk or half and half

1 – 2 tbls of Crisco shortening.  This takes away the sugar overly sweet texture from your frosting and will make it spread on the cookies like magic

After all cookies have cooled spread with frosting and decorate as you choose.  I use frosting to make faces on each cookie and sometimes the grandchildren help too.

It a great way to celebrate Halloween.  Enjoy your day

Celebrate Halloween

Celebrate Halloween

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