Facebook Tip Sheet

How to Build Your Business on Facebook

About your Facebook Business Page

There are numerous ways to build your Facebook business to increase your presence in the online world, but there are three steps to success that you can follow to make it an easy process.  Many people have a personal page in Facebook as well as a business page. 

If you wish to post just to your friends and family you can use your personal page.  If you wish to post to potential new clients or current clients, you can use your business page. 

The unique thing about Facebook is that the business page postings will roll over to the general news feed and also be seen by your friends.  There is no need to post them twice.


Below are some suggestions for making your Facebook Business Page the very best it can be.

 Pick Great Topics

When you consider all the subjects on Facebook these days you realize there is a huge assortment of topics. 

First of all if you have a business fan page you want your visitors to not only “like” your page but to return again and again for useful information.

You want your posts to inform and intrigue your customers, but you also want your posts to give them enjoyment.

No one wants to “sold” every time they go into your Facebook page.


Organize your posts to be diversified – Relate to your Fans

If you post strictly business related posts your fans might soon become overcome with “business phobia” and look to other pages for fun and enlightenment.  You need to organize your posts in such a way that people will see them as interesting and informative but also meaningful to their everyday lives. 

A beautiful poem, a wise old saying, a quiz or even a survey are great ways to captivate your audience and keep them checking back on your page every day.

Find out what interests your customers and what doesn’t.  This can be done by running statistics on your posts through your advertising set up. 

You’ll be easily see which posts generate activity and likes and which are absolute duds.  When you capture the interest of your fans be sure you continue to post like items and you’ll have customers for life.


Consider Paid Advertising as a creative mechanism

There are many ways to advertise on Facebook.  You can advertise your page, ask for likes or sign ups, boost your posts or set up an ad campaign.

Setting up a strategic ad campaign is the most cost effective way to increase your Facebook traffic and your customer base.

  • You can budget how much you wish to spend
  • Find your ideal audience
  • Test which graphics are most appealing
  • Organize when to place your ads to make them cost effective



This may be your paramount question.  It’s actually easy to place the ad but without knowing the little ways to make it cost effective you are just wasting your time and money.

In order to help my customers place better ads and to guide them in placing their ads I’ve designed a simple report that goes through all the nuances of setting up a Facebook ad.  To get your free copy just simply click on picture below and I’ll email it right over to you.



Click Below for Your Free Report

What Can I Expect from Facebook?

I advertise on Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram but have found Facebook to be the top lead generator of all the social media platforms. Facebook is user friendly whether you are communicating with friends or building a business because it has an easy roadmap to follow. 

Because a great majority of Facebook users are looking for interesting information and not necessary business tips you have a broader base of individuals with whom to market your business or website.

To find out more about Facebook ads, click on free report here and I’ll send it your way.

In the meantime, continue to use your Facebook business page to communicate to your friends and your clients.  Be sure to sign up for my free Newsletter so you don’t miss a single tip on how to continue to build your freelance business.



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