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Write Effective Emails that Wow Your Audience

Have you ever sat down to write your daily blog or monthly newsletter and faced that blank screen with fear and trepidation?  Yes, that’s coming on a bit strong I know; but writing emails with confidence that will wow your audience is often a daunting task.

Here are a few tips to help you along the way.  I hope you’ll find them useful.


Your Monthly Newsletter

Let’s face it.  Your fans are busy people.  They want to find emails in their inbox that are stimulating, interesting and provide value to them.  Every email you send should provide them something unique they can use in their own business.

Don’t be a bore.  That’s right.  Add a little humor to your blog or newsletter.  Tell them an interesting story that they will relate to.  Every day you come across interesting people and sometimes bizarre situations.  Share it with your clients.  They will read the story with interest and at the same time they will feel you are relating to them as a friend.


Get up close and personal

You don’t build a following by hiding your light under a bushel.  People want to know about you.  What makes you tick and how you began your personal journey?  Telling them your own personal story is another great way of sparking their interest in you and your product.

Whether you have ten subscribers or 10,000 subscribers, treat each email as if you are writing it personally to that particular person.  Everyone likes the personal touch and emails that scream out “group mailing” often get a quick delete.


That Important Welcome Email

This is one of the most important emails you will ever write.  Always write your welcome email and a follow up series before you ask people to sign up for your newsletter or free gift.   This email is their very first connection to you so make it count.

A simple format is to thank them for subscribing, tell them what you can do for them and how often they can expect to hear from you. Always give them a way to contact you to learn more about you and the ways you can help them in their business.


Offer an Incentive to Sign Up for Your List    

This is often referred to as a lead magnet.  Offering your reader something of value in return for their email address is a great way to build your customer base.  Examples of lead magnets would be:

A Free Report on a particular industry, advertising venue or content ideas.

An E Book that comes with a detailed guide on how to set up their website, advertising campaign or email responders.

Whenever you offer a free report, gift or business tip sheet, be sure to include that gift in your very first welcome email to them.  This is vital as you don’t want your customer feeling they have been tricked into giving you their email and then receive nothing in return.


Set up an auto responder series

This can be set up easily by using an auto responder service such as Aweber to set up a series of emails that will follow one another after your initial welcome email.

These emails follow one or two days following your initial welcome and then every two to three days afterwards.  You can keep the series going by contacting them once a week and then move them over to your standard newsletter mailing.


Set up Blog Broadcasts

Blog for success

When you write your weekly blog, you can then send these automatically to your customer listing or you can do a weekly or bi-weekly broadcast to inform your readers of new insights in the industry and how they can apply them to their business.

If you supply useful and pertinent information to your customers they will look forward to your getting your emails and broadcasts.  They will open them with enthusiasm knowing they will find something useful for their business.

Providing good content on a regular basis garners you customers for life and is the heart of your business.


Examine the Real Skills You Need to Make Your Online Business Work

This is so profoundly simple that you will be surprised at the answer. You can learn the skills necessary to become an effective marketer and online entrepreneur.


You need to be able to: 

Read & Write English; Operate a Computer & Follow Directions

THIS IS IT! Can you believe it?

Now I know most of you are thinking this can’t be all there is.  Along with following the tips and tricks you’ll find in my weekly blog, you need to develop some writing skills and good habits that you can use to make your blog and emails interesting to your readers.

You’ll want to watch for my blog next week as we will talk about actual email structure, features and benefits, plus a whole lot more.

Please contact me for additional help by shooting me a quick email.

Don’t miss the continuation of this series by signing up for my newsletter today.


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