Should We Open Our Doors to Refugees?

The United States has always been the land of the free and the home of the brave.  We have welcomed immigrants into America since the beginning of our country.  We are the land of opportunity and freedom, but are we really?  Has America changed?   When you listen to the news reports of all the riots […]

Ben Carson Slams Left Wing Media

[wpvideo tVGh9MV7] It’s hard to even imagine Ben Carson raising his voice but this past week he did that and a lot more. Since his entrance into the race for President of the United States, Carson has been the subject of ridicule by the media, as well his own Republican rival Donald Trump, for being […]

Carly Fiorina Wins CNN Debate

Last night I watched the complete Republican debate on CNN.  For five excruciating hours I sat riveted to the television, not because the debate was interesting or even stimulating but because I needed to see if anything had changed since the Fox News debacle in August. There were definite changes but not all of them […]