Are You Accountable?

The past week I was faced head on with some choices I had made that had placed me in an undesirable position but one for which I was totally accountable.

Strangely enough it made me think of all the changes that have taken place in our world and in our own country for which no one seems to want to take accountability.  A day does not pass without someone spouting off about their own mistreatment or bragging about a decision they made to their own self-indulgence but one that befuddled their family or their friends.

Recently on Facebook I noticed a broadcast done by Kathie Lee Gifford about her husband’s recent death and how he lived his life.  I was surprised to learn that Frank Gifford was a Bible believing born again Christian and had been since childhood.   She said he built his entire life on the rock of Jesus Christ and I wondered how many people were aware of that fact.  It was a total surprise to me.

We recently lost a member of our family who was also a tremendous Christian but he lived his entire life in such a way that everyone knew of his faith long before he died.  He left behind a legacy of a true testimony of his love for Jesus Christ.  It didn’t take a national broadcast to convey the message of his faith because Ron lived his faith and everyone he came into contact with during his life knew it.

Frank Gifford will be remembered as a famous NFL Hall of Famer but Ron Eastman will be remembered as a star quarterback in God’s Hall of Fame.

The paradox between the two men made me wonder how many people really know about my personal faith in Jesus Christ.  Do my actions speak louder than words?  How many of us demonstrate our faith daily by our actions?

In our country today we listen to the political pundits brag about what fine Christians they are yet when faced with decisions for the betterment of the country they choose to serve only themselves.  As I watch Hillary Clinton fall out of grace with the Democratic Party I wonder if perhaps it isn’t Hillary at all that people want in the White House.  It’s her husband.  The popularity of Bill Clinton is a conundrum as far as I’m concerned.  Yes, the silver fox did balance the budget when in office but he did it by maneuvering his way through a Republican Congress.  Bill knew how to get the job done just as he knew how to cover up a multitude of sexual indiscretions which are probably still happening today.

But Hillary won’t be accountable for the horrendous errors committed while Secretary of State.  Hillary won’t be prosecuted.  So why are we allowing someone so obviously dishonest to even be considered for the leadership in our nation?   Why are most of the political cronies excused and never made to be accountable?  The Republicans promised changes when they garnered a majority in the House and Senate.  We’ve been watching and waiting but have we seen any action?

I am fed up with establishment politicians.  That is the simple reason for Trump’s popularity.  I’m not saying Trump is good or honest but he’s certainly making us stand up and take notice.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  In addition to Donald Trump, the most popular Republican candidates are those outside the establishment: Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson.

I believe the American people are finally beginning to ask for accountability.  Each of us must be accountable to our family, our employers, our friends but most of all to our God.

Where will you be

Where will you be at the harvest?

If we as individuals must be accountable then we must hold those in authority accountable also.   We must hold their feet to the fire until they scream in compliance or walk away in defeat.

Americans must stand up for their country as they must stand up for their faith.  It says in II Timothy 1:7, “God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and a strong mind.” KJV

Don’t be afraid to stand up and be counted.  Don’t be afraid to be accountable.

As individuals we must be accountable for our own choices and then live with the consequences of those choices.  It’s time for those in authority in America to be accountable for their choices and live with the consequences.

Posted in My Writing, Thoughts to Ponder and tagged , , , , , , , , .

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