Resources for your business

Grow your email list fast

In today’s marketplace there are so many ways to grow your email list and so many applications available that it is often overwhelming.  That is why Freelance with Copyhound with your Work at Home Grandma provides you with the most up-to-date information on what’s new on the web.

Previously we did a review of email providers and what they offer.  This is always the first step in building your email list.  You need to set this up before you can begin. 

Select an email provider and then design your marketing plan.

Your Product:  What are you offering your customers?

Does it provide value?

It is often said people want something for nothing but it is also true that people soon lean towards the old adage:  you get what you pay for.  People are always looking for the best bargain but they also know the best products often cost a little more but deliver more than expected.


Does it prompt discussion in their community?

You want to make your product or service one that is talked about in the industry.  This is why social media should be a vital part of your marketing strategy. Get people talking about your product or your website and you will have increased visitors to your website and willing additions to your email list.


Does it provide transparency?

Own who you are.  Let people know what you stand for and live up to their expectations.  Be perfectly clear about your service and product and what it can do for them.  People want to know the real costs involved in setting up a marketing plan.  Do not blindside your customer.  Honesty will always keep you on the top of their reference list.


Your Social Media Interaction:  What are your options?

There are numerous Social Media applications and those too can get you so bogged down in “clicking and re-clicking” that you lose valuable time.  The obvious answer is very simple.

Create a Facebook Fan Page

Create a Fan Page to Interest Your Readers

This is vital to growing your business and can be one of the greatest assets in getting new subscribers to your email list. You should place a sign up or learn more button on your page to encourage your fans to sign up for your list.

There are many different ways to promote your business on Facebook and it is probably one of the greatest avenues of advertising in the marketplace today. My Free Report will guide you along the way in Facebook advertising.

You can also add other social applications straight to your Facebook page so people can go right into your Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or YouTube account right from Facebook. It’s a tremendous way to increase your exposure.

Add Other Social Media Icons to Your Fan Page

You can use a program called WooBox to do this. You can add all the applications to wish directly to your Facebook sidebar so your fans can see all your social media applications instantly with one click. Woobox also lets you collect email addresses when people enter contests and also has customized templates for easy set-up.

Heyo is another application that works well for contest set-up.

I highly suggest checking out Kim Garst at Boom Social
as she has extensive training available on every form of Social Media out there and her information is thorough and easy to follow.

Facebook even a live video offering which is one of the newest and most popular way of posting.

Your Must Have Something to Offer

Create a lead magnet:

Many of you may not be familiar with this process but a lead magnet is a free gift or offering you make available to your website visitors in order to capture an email address you can add to your list.
A lead magnet can be created quickly and easily using a program called BeaconBy which is free and easy to follow. You can take an already created blog or information piece and turn it into a creative report that people will be interested in receiving.

Optimize Your Landing Page

A landing page is often referred to a squeeze page and is designed to capture email addresses from potential subscribers. When designing a landing page you should have the following components:

  • Easy to read and look professionally designed
  • Contain your brand or logo at the top
  • Have a provocative headline that summarizes the offer (Use a contrasting color)
  • A sub-tag line that reinforces the offer (Smaller print and contrasting)
  • Bullet Points with check marks that outline what they will get (What’s in it for them)
  • Visual image that is unique and appealing
  • Call to Action: click here to download or get free report here

A Sample Landing Page

Landing Page

There are hundreds of applications that offer assistance on creating landing pages but I’ve listed the most popular below:





Optin Monster 


As many people use a mobile device when interacting on the web today, it is vital to create your pages and forms optimized for mobile use and most of these will provide that.


Create Great Content for Your Readers

Often when creating a blog or information piece I find the information can be repetitive and this can easily lead to a reader becoming bored with your website. This is why it is very important to keep searching the web for new and innovative ways to interest your readers.

Consistency is key. Social content expires quickly so be sure to post daily. You can use an application called Hootsuite to post across all your social media areas at one time and even schedule posts in advance.

My website is designed to provide you with the most recent tools and ways to enhance and grow your business.

Continue to tune in to Grandma’s Blog Posts for tips and tricks on how to grow your business. Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter too so you don’t miss a single update.

That’s it for this posting. Enjoy your weekend and get lots of rest to begin your next week with new and creative ways to build your business.

Posted in Marketing Tips, My Writing, Resources to Build Your Business, Social Media Tips and Tricks and tagged , , , .

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