Say Hello to Your Work at Home Grandma

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We all seem to get busy with our lives and forget to take time to enjoy our family and friends.  This is part of the reason I began to work from my home.  As most of you know my grandchildren are very special to me and the greatest part of my heart.

Clarissa - My Angel Girl

Clarissa – My Angel Girl

As the Work at Home Grandma I often get asked the question:  “What type of writing do you really enjoy the most?”  Actually, my first love is writing fiction and you will see my newest book series on my sidebar.  Rubies – Escaping the Curse was created from my own grandmother’s real life story.

Rubies is based on the real life story of Kaja Johnson

Rubies is based on the real life story of Kaja Johnson

I hope you’ll continue to tune in for more details on the story and some fun exercises to help you get started on your own book.

Today I’d like to talk briefly about “Newsletter”.  This is an area of expertise that not many writers have a chance to explore.   The newsletter is a weekly or monthly publication that allows a business to communicate with its customers or prospects.  It gives people a chance to get to know how you can be of service to them and offers insight on your goals and expectations. Some newsletters are informational and others are simply tidbits of life and essays that challenge or encourage.

If you are thinking of beginning your own newsletter but don’t know how to start or even have an auto-responder system set up, I’ll be happy to assist you.

Attached is a direct link to AWeber, a great email service provider who allows you to begin your list and newsletters for only $1 for the first month.   Check out Aweber Today


Where is your hope in troubling times?    Church fall

Fall is a special time of the year to enjoy nature and marvel at the beautiful colors of God’s handiwork.

We live in a world filled with technology that can often be overwhelming.  As these can be difficult times, Christians sometimes lose their focus and feel that God has abandoned them.

When we witness senseless murders and constant disobedience to God’s laws, it is then we need to turn to the one who still remains on the throne.

“How long has it been since you talked with the Lord and told Him your heart’s hidden secrets.  How long since you prayed; how long since you stayed on your knees till the light shown through?”   

When the words to an old favorite hymn can give us pause to examine ourselves, we know it is the Holy Spirit working within us.  

How can we as Christians survive when we feel we are once again living in the days of Noah?  God is perfecting His plan in us and in the world.  The Bible is our source of knowledge almost like history in advance. 

Just when we think everything is falling apart we can be assured that with God things are “falling into place”.  

In times like this we cannot diminish the capacity of God and His love for us.  We could ask ourselves what good is prayer without faith or joy without passion.  Is it not equal then to suffering without hope?

None of these things are part of God’s work and God’s plan for our lives.  He is a God of truth; He is a God of love.  The Bible teaches us in John 8:32 – “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.  

Find the truth and you will find your hope is Jesus Christ and through Him an abundant new life. 


Still struggling with writing issues.  Check out these great books on Amazon to give you a boost in the right direction.    Hot Books on Amazon

Need more tips for your business?  Sign up for my newsletter today.  Newsletter

Posted in My Writing.

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