What you need to know about Instagram

Welcome to the world of the Work at Home Grandma.  I just took a seminar on Instagram and realized all the good advertising I was missing.  It is a fabulous way to increase your business quickly and easily.

It’s true that right now it seems to be the interest point for 18 – 25 year olds and even my ten year old granddaughter is enamored with it.  When she discovered I was on Instagram she proceeded to make about 50 videos and posted them on my account.  Unfortunately I had to delete them as they used up all my current storage and I couldn’t do my marketing video that day.

In any case, you can only do a 15 second video on Instagram unless you’re doing paid advertising but even then it’s only about 30 seconds.  But right now the field is really open and it’s a great way to advertise your services and easily bring in new customers.

I wanted to pass along a couple of links to you in case you’re interested in getting started. Don’t pass up this incredible opportunity.

One of the links is a quickie that helps you get up and running.    Instagram Tips

The second link and very valuable is about Social Media in general and what it can do for you.  It is by Kim Garst, who I refer to as the Queen of Social Media.

Social Selling Made Simple 

Don’t forget to keep in touch by signing up for my newsletter for great tips every week to jumpstart your business.


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